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Emily Sisson

Professional Runner

I have big goals heading into the Olympic year and Polar is helping me along the way. My Polar data helps me plan accordingly while striving to achieve my goals.


I have big goals heading into the Olympic year and Polar is helping me along the way. I am better able to track and record my training while receiving reliable feedback. This feedback helps me adjust and plan ahead as I go along—because training is never perfectly linear! My Polar data helps me plan accordingly while striving to achieve my goals.


10K, Half Marathon, Marathon


October 12, 1991

Personal Bests:

30:49min (10K, Stanford Invite 2019)

1:07:30h (Half marathon, Houston Half 2019)

2:23:08h (Marathon, London Marathon 2019)

Proudest sporting moment:

London Marathon 2019


Career highlights

From the blog

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