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Sara Carmona Hernando

Polar for me is more than a device that counts km and heart rate, it is a guide and a great help for the athletes, providing them all the facilities to achieve their best version. I feel that it's my home and that I be part of a big family.


Favorite sports:

Triathlon, Cycling and Swimming.

Fun fact:

I have written my first book "¡Arriba! El reto eres tú", where I explain the importance of sport as a tool for personal growth.

Most embarrassing sport moment:

In my first triathlon, the transitions couldn't have gone worse, in the first one I couldn't take off my neoprene and when I got it, I forgot to take my bib because of my nerves.

Proudest sport moment:

With all the challenges I've faced up to today.


Career highlights

From the blog

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