Polar V650
On the right track
V650 includes OpenStreetMap (OSM) support. Download free map data to enhance your cycling experience, wherever you are.
Put yourself on the map
With OpenStreetMap support you can download the map data for the area you are riding in and see your exact location in real time.
Find your way with route guidance
Sync your favorite routes from Polar Flow to your V650 and let it guide you in real time. Retrace your path or discover new routes from other users.
Large map area
The V650 downloads map data in blocks of 450 x 450 kilometers at a time – enough for even the most ambitious day rides.
Tools to win
The V650 and its optional sensors record a great amount of in-depth data to make sure that even the most demanding cyclists will see all the details they need to evaluate their performance, plan further training, and ride at their best.
Advanced power metrics
Polar V650 can track track Normalized Power® (NP®), Intensity Factor® (IF®) and Training Stress Score®(TSS®).*
*NP®, IF® and TSS® are registered trademarks of TrainingPeaks, LLC and may be used with permission. Learn more at http://www.trainingpeaks.com.
What's your sensor?
Polar V650 is available with two heart rate sensor options. Choose the one that fits you best: the Polar H10 heart rate sensor chest strap for supreme accuracy or the Polar OH1 optical heart rate sensor armband for simplicity and comfort.
Customizable profiles
The V650 allows you to create individual profiles for different types of riding, such as road, MTB, or indoor. You can customize it to show only the data you need for each one.
Get all the details
Every time you head for a ride with the V650, it starts to record detailed data covering each aspect of the ride. Optional sensors allow you to expand this data to include information like heart rate and cadence.
Analyze and share your data
Data recorded during rides is stored in Polar’s exclusive Polar Flow web service. You can view and analyze this data and even share it for others to see.
Polar Flow web service and app*
Follow your routes and see long term development with in-depth analysis.
*Limited support for Android devices. Check here for more details.
Polar Coach
Free online tool for your cycling coach to easily create training programs and follow your progress.
Sensor compatibility
Boost your cycling performance with compatible 3rd party Bluetooth power meters. Check compatibility with third-party power meters.
Third party services
Link your Polar Flow account and sync your training data to third party services, such as Strava or TrainingPeaks.
NP®, IF® and TSS® are registered trademarks of TrainingPeaks, LLC and may be used with permission. Learn more at http://www.trainingpeaks.com.
Strava Live Segments
Make your rides more fun with Strava Live Segments. Your V650 alerts you when you approach one of your starred Strava segments, gives you real-time data on your performance and shows your results after you finish the segment. Polar V650 comes with a free 60-day Strava Summit membership.*
*For new Summit members only
Features and technical specifications
FeaturesFeature highlights
Training Benefit
Delivers motivating feedback immediately after the ride describing the effect of the training session. Learn more
Training Load
Shows you how your training affects your body and helps you compare the load of different sessions. Monitor your load continuously to recognize your personal limits and adjust training intensity and duration accordingly. Available on the Polar Flow web service. Learn more
Smart Calories
Lets you know exactly how many calories you’ve burned based on your weight, height, age, gender, your individual maximum heart rate (HRmax) and how hard you’re training. Learn more
Recovery status
Shows you the time necessary for recovery before the next ride. Available on the Polar Flow web service. Learn more
Barometer with real time VAM
A barometric altimeter keeps track of altitude, ascents and descents. Real time VAM, average ascent speed, shows how many vertical meters you climb per hour (requires additional speed sensor).
Other features
Customizable profiles
Create and customize profiles for different types of rides. See only the data you need, whether you’re indoors, on the road or in the mountains.
Import new routes
Find new routes and import them to Polar Flow from other services that support GPX or TCX files.
GPS & maps
The V650 is equipped with a fast and reliable GPS chip that keeps track of your ride from beginning to end. OpenStreetMap support keeps you on the map wherever you go.
Sensor compatibility
The V650 is compatible with Polar Bluetooth Low Energy heart rate sensor and 3rd party cycling sensors, which can be used to provide additional data.